Preston, Julieanna. “You are embued with tolerance…” [journal article] and “meeting, you in detail” {performance video], Spaces of Tolerance: Architecture and Culture 7:1, 31-43, 2019.
This article tells the back story of a performance dedicated
to bearing witness to a corner of a room in a 1990s’ New Zealand kitset
home. The video meeting, you in detail performs a love poem that asks
for forgiveness before demolishing the wall. The video tracks an interlude
where the space of tolerance related to building construction
meets open-mindedness, empathy and compassion. This performance
inquired how maintaining respect for others extends to material processes
and interactions. Underpinned by Jane Bennett’s new materialism
philosophy, the article draws from poet Francis Ponge’s muse on the
muteness of objects, architect Marco Frascari’s teachings and the
scholarship of archaeologist Lucy Shoe Merritt.
Click here for the PDF of the article.
Click here for the performance video.
Link to journal article: