Mick Douglas and Julieanna Preston. Idleness Labouritory: appending. At 1067 PacificPeople, Pop Up Gesture Store:"We Won't Do It Without the Flesh", 3 and 4 September 2016.
Welcome to the Pop Up Gesture Store.
We sell experiences.
Would you like to come in an experience our shop?
We offer gestures of various kinds.
How much time do you have to spend?
Where do you think you are today- introverted, extroverted, one chili or more?
Hi we are Julieanna and Mick from the Idleness Labouritory. We are your sellers today.
Tell us, do you prefer a vertical posture, a horizontal posture or something in-between?
Ah, fine then, can we suggest you remove your glasses and shoes?
Creator, Seasonal Concept, Seller ANDREA HAENGGI
Artistic Advisor, Seller CARRIE AHERN
Philosophical Advisor, Seller ROBERT NEUWIRTH
Co-Producers: Andrea Haenggi, Carrie Ahern and Robert Neuwirth
Artist Sellers: Average of 6-8 Performance Artists who offer their own 2-3 live-performance pieces tailored to the Pop Up Gesture Store
Note regarding documentation: No tangible trace of the work remains: the artist Andrea Haenggi wishes the customers and sellers experience to constitute the artwork. The only thing remains are a view still images that gives a flavor of the Pop Up Gesture Store aesthetic and as well #CustomerSellerPortraits a stand in for a Store “Thank You”.
Everson curator DJ Hellerman
Images by Joanna Spitzner and Amanda Noel Struver